• Rapid determination of radiostrontium in seawater samples,

  • Rapid fusion method for determination of plutonium isotopes in large rice samples,

  • Rapid determination of radiostrontium in seawater samples,

  • Maxwell, S.L.; Culligan, B.K.; Kelsey-Wall, A.; Shaw, P.J.

    Rapid determination of actinides in emergency food samples, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, Volume 292, Number 1, 339-347, (2012)

    Actinides, Pu, Np, Am, Cm, U in Food, Emergency Response Methods using TEVA Resin, DGA Resin, TRU Resin and alpha-spec (MS112 )

    [ doi: 10.1007/s10967-011-1411-5 ]

  • Rapid determination of 226Ra in environmental samples,

  • Rapid method for determination of 228Ra in water samples,

  • Chromatographic generator systems for the actinides and natural decay series elements,

  • Chromatographic generator systems for the actinides and natural decay series elements,

  • Rapid separation method for 237Np and Pu isotopes in large soil samples,

  • Rapid radiochemical method for determination of actinides in emergency concrete and brick samples,